General Consult & Radiographs

Our first appointment with your periodontist is an information gathering session. It will begin with your doctor asking you about your medical history, your past and your current dental practices, your social history and oral hygiene routine. We want to know your specific concerns about your gums, your teeth, your smile and what you would like us to achieve with your treatment. Finally, a thorough review of your periodontal (gum) condition including a review of your radiographs will be done.

The doctor will perform a comprehensive clinical exam consisting of an assessment of your oral tissue checking on irregularities and cancer. Measurements are made that include: the mobility of your teeth, the colour and tone of your gum tissues, pocket depths, noting areas of gingival recession and root exposure and determining what periodontal problems you may have. Your doctor will combine this information with radiographs and derive a periodontal diagnosis for you. This diagnosis will include an overall prognosis for your periodontal condition as well as the prognosis for each individual tooth.

Your doctor will discuss all treatment options available to you and review the benefits and risks of each treatment option.

1a) A new patient with a seemingly healthy smile and gums. Patient noticed some bleeding while flossing, but had no other concerns.
1b) Right side view of the same patient, demonstrating seemingly healthy tissues.
1c) Left side view of the same patient. At first glance, no obvious concerns were apparent.
1d) Radiograph of the same patient demonstrating severe bone destruction of all molars. This case illustrates severe periodontal disease despite seemingly ‘healthy’ looking gums and teeth. Periodontal examinations and radiographs are vital in identifying and treating periodontal diseases.

Contact Details


(289) 337–1571


(289) 337–6326



Suite 21 – 1960 Appleby Line Burlington, Ontario L7L 0B7

Clinic Hours

Monday: 8AM - 5PM Tuesday: 8AM - 5PM Wednesday: 8AM - 5PM Thursday: 8AM - 5PM Friday: By Appointment Only Saturday: Closed Sunday: Closed

Make an Appointment

We look forward to meeting you and to helping with your periodontal and implant needs.